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Personal news update: last few days. Posted 1/6/2002

These are one of the hardest days of my life.

During the last couple of weeks and during the next couple of weeks (until the end of the month) I wrote and will write all my final tests.

The tests keep on coming and I can hardly keep up.

Every week we have an average of 3 Bagruyot and Maginim and the end seems far far away.

I have ALOT and I do mean ALOT of work to do.

I hope and pray that I will be able to keep up and succeed.


* So what happened during the last few days?

First of all I wrote the Irgun and Tikshoret Bagrut exam and yesterday I wrote my History Magen exam.

I spent most of the week at home, trying to study, but sadly study is not one of my strongest qualities.

I found myself sitting and thinking what to do first: History, Irgun and Tikshoret, my final computers work or Itzuv Tohna?!

I just cauld not pick up my mind and I was very tense.

I need to get into a SHVUNG and then I study like a mad-man.

* Besides the tests I played alot of Subspace.

Subspace is great on-line game in which you play a spaceship and your goal is to take base along with your team and kill as many enemy ships as you can.

Me and sevral other Israelis created an Israeli squadron in Subspace / Trench Wars and we fight day and night for the honor of Israel (by taking base and killing as many nazis and ani-semetics on-line) - and belive me there are alot of anti-Israelis in the game.

(P.S - by saying 'for the honor of!' I instead ment to say: 'By the Power of!' but I just cauld not find the right place to put it. Ve ha mevin yavin :) )

Itamar has created a website, for now only in Hebrew, for our squad.

In the website you will be able to find more information about us and how to download the game.

English speakers will be able to download the game from this website.

* Yesterday (Friday) Me, Samech, Chen and Nir went to Itamar to finally showed him our movie.

A couple of month ago we begun filming a movie called 'Maarhonim' but we never were able to finnish it.

Yesterday we showed Itamar what we were able to film and our other cool projects made during the last 3 years (Tashdirim, behind the scenes and of-course the amazing water fight in school)

We laughed alot and it was a good break from the test pressure.

* I talked to yony!

Yony called me from Canada a couple of days ago.

I didn't talk to yony for two years now (not counting ICQ and one Cre8 meeting almost a year ago).

I didn't recognize his voice!!

Yony now sounds more like his father. Spooky :)

Yony is preparing to take us out in sports when he'll have the chance.

And I say: we will be ready for ya! - Bring it On!! (shit, now I can think only about Kiki!!!!)

* We also played one basketball game during the last week.

Boxy was back after a long break and now he is working out to be ready for our next game. Go team go! :)

* Franky is preparing for the army.

Franky is running every once in a while on the beach.

Franky will serve in the IDF navy forces.

Good luck! :)

News round-up from the last couple of days.

Me (right) and Itamar (left). Yesterday we finally had the chance to show him our movie :)

Yony, I finally had the chance to talk to him (don't kill me!! - it's the only picture I have!! - I didn't save the original picture.. :))

Boxy is working out.

And Franky is preparing for the army.

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