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Special agent Guy Fruchtman reporting!. Posted 3/7/2002

Written by: Guy Fruchtman

From: Special FBI agent Guy Fruchtman.

Dear Mr. Liderman since the FBI heard from most reliable sources that your UNBLIEVEBLY BEAUTIFUL web-site is about to close down for good we decided to say a few things regarding an article that was posted on your web-site on June 21st (2001).

We still to this very day do not know how you got a hold of the picture of me the AMAZIGLY good looking special agent Guy Fruchtman but we did a little re-searching and found out that your real name is really aLik and not aRik which means that you're the head of the Russian mafia and we can only say one thing about that: that's ok we forgive you for everything just PLEASE don't hurt us!!!!!

And now regarding this Abo fellow that my CIA friend agent Logan Summers talked about is his letter we just have to say that we found out that he's the head of the African mafia in Zimbabwe and of the gifts he has been sending you day and night are made by little African children 23 years of age that only make 50 dollars an hour!!!!!

The HORROR is unbelievable I tell you're better off not watching it!

And they only get 2 days off a week!!! And... I know this is hard to hear but... They have to drive to work on their own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, this is really hard for me... all I have to say is that the FBI is doing everything in its powers to help out this poor souls so they wont have to drive to work on their own again!!

We are putting all of the other projects aside (especially the one with the whole lets get Bean-Laden thing).

We have called out all of our top agents to catch this Abo guy including: FDA agent Faruk, MI6 agent Nir Koblenc and even Afghanistan's Spying Network [ASN] agent Lior Ziv which we pulled out of getting Bean- Laden (even though now that I think about it he did say something like I have him I have him!! Never mind that now).

In conclusion I just want to tell u that you have to stop receiving gifts from Abo, he's crazy I tell you!


Sincerely yours.

Special FBI agent Guy Fruchtman.

Abo is the head of the African mafia in Zimbabwe?

Special agent Guy Fruchtman reporting!

Note: you can find the June 21st (2001) here.

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