The Arik Network: ANN
I'm getting
mad!! - working working all day long!!. Posted 9/6/2002
It seems that this work has no end!!!!
This is truly one of the most crucial if not the most
crucial moment of my school career.
At this moment all the eyes are set towards the final
exams left - and the hardest of them all.
I have to work as hard as I can, I cannot give up,
not now!!
On Thursday I will write (present) my final 5unit
computer work Bagrut.
On Friday I will write my Itzuv Tochna Magen exam.
On Sunday I will write my Sifrut magen exam.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is truly hell.
I would like, again, to wish everyone good luck and
add a call: work as hard as you can!!!!.
This is it, these are the final crucial days - we
must succeed and pass them!!!!
The Bagruyot 2002 season: The crucial days.
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