ANN 2002


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Raise the flag!. Posted 20/6/2002

These are hard times to us all.

Terror attack followes by another terror attack in a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

The Palestinian terror monsters try to force us out of here.

The reality seems dark.

Nevertheless, today is the day to raise the flag, to be proud of what we are and who we are and to say once more to the terrorists that they will not succeed and the IDF will crush them at the end!!!!

The Jewish people today have a defender, their own army.

The IDF will make sure that the Nazi horrors will never return again.

The terrorists know that they will eventually pay for their crimes against humanity.

Their attacks only strengthen our hearts.

We belive in ourselves and in the justice of our way.

We created a small democratic country in the Middle-East, a beacon of light among dark dictatorships.

We created our state on our historical land.

We belive in our way, we belive in ourselves, we belive in our power to win this war against the monsters of terror!!!!

Israel will win because our way is just.

Be proud of what we accomplished, be proud of who you are!!!!

We are Israelis. We are Jews.

Raise the flag!! (1948 - the creation of Israel)

Israel will win.

The IDF.

The IDF.

The IDF.

The IDF.

The IDF.

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