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First pictures from the Tiyul Shnaty finally arrived!!!!. Posted 26/5/2002

Finally, after month of waiting my personal pictures from our school's Tiyul Shnaty arrived!!

I recieved the first wave which consists of 8 pictures, this is in addition to sevral other pictures provided me by Dan Ohayon.

These 8 pictures were scanned by Guy Fruchtman and I would like to thank him for his great work.

I hope to bring you more pictures in the future.


The pictures you are about to see (the 8 new ones + the 4 old ones) were taken, as you already know, from our school's Tiyul Shanty (3-day school trip).

This was my last Tiyul Shnaty.

I had alot and I do mean alot of fun during the Tiyul.

Alot of amazing experiences and alot of unforgettable moments with my class and friends.

We had the craziest room around: Me, Samech, Chen, Itamar, Shoostak and Dor.

We had alot of fun and alot of Dahkot - ve ha mevin yavin :).

I spent 3 days with my amazing class and got to know everyone better.

This was my last Tiyul as a student, and I will cherish every moment from it forever.


And now ladies and gentlemen the pictures!!!! :): - Please wait until the pictures will load-

Dan pictures:

Samech playes games with our guide :)

Dan and friends.

Another picture of Dan with a friend.

At the Golan Heights: Hamat Gader: the parrot show.

New pictures:

Me and Itamar in the bus. "Our spot" :).

Me and Idan: the fight. This picture symbolizes me and Idan most. During the past 3 years we argued almost on every existing political issue and yet we remained best friends. A picture to remember.

At our room: Samech demonstrates our Pringles (the food in his hands). Little we knew then what was about to happen a couple of hours later: one of the most disgusting yet one of the most funniest dahkot I have ever experienced!!!! - ve ha mevin yavin :))))

One of the most famous pictures from our room. Samech attacks Dor :). Dor, during 90% of the time stayed at the same spot and Samech decided to tease him a little bit. Check out Dor's face: looks like he really enjoyed it :))

On our bus: me and Nir. Another picture to remember. This picture tells the story of our great friendship. Nir and Yony are my best friends for more then 12 years now. Although we studied at different schools and Yony is even in Canada right now we never lost our friendship.

In Hamat Gader (Golan Heights): Me, Idan and Shuly. In the background you can see Moran doing a bird imitation :).

Me, Samech and Chen. 3 years ago I didn't even knew them and they studied at my old school, today nothing can separate us. This picture symbolizes the long way we passed: from enemies to friends. On the right you can see our teacher Tzipi Bresler. Notice her hand (only my class will understand) - Shtaim shalosh milim :))))

Me and most of my class. An amazing group of people. I had the honor to spend 3 years of my life with them. I will never forget them.

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