ANN 2002



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The Arik Network: Photo Album

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The class of Yud-Bet 7 during school's last official day. A group of wonderful people with whom I spent 3 years of my life.

I will always remember them.

First row: Benzy (left), Moran, Limor, Tzipi, Shenhav, Noaa and Nofar.

Second row: Adi Shavit (behind Benzy), Moran, Samech, Idan, Ugi, Lina, Tuly and Toya.

Third row: Yaara (behind Moran), Nir (behind Yaara), Itamar, Arik, Chen, Narkis and Zohar.


At our places in class for the last time: Itamar (front - left) and Arik (front - right) / Samech (rear-left) and Chen (rear-right). This was our "home base" in Yud-Bet. Me and Itamar created and manufactured alot of cool pictures out of this place and we ruled the area with might and force :) (4/2002)

The Tehem gang standing near the amzing Racer Turbo just before the Rondo. Arik (Left), Samech, Itamar, Nir and Chen. (4/2002)

Samech (left) going to dance on the road during the Rondo. Racer Turbo in center, Yotam on the right. (4/2002)

The gang during the Rondo: Chen (left), Arik, Samech, Dor and Itamar. It's party time!!!! :) (4/2002)

Aliens do exist! - This picture was taken while we were driving during the Rondo. Notice that Arik does not see the road..

Samech (front-left), Arik (driver), Chen (rear-left) and Itamar (rear-right)

The mood inside the Racer Turbo was happy indeed!!!! (4/2002)

Samech inside the Racer Turbo during the Rondo. Scary isn't he? :)) (4/2002)

Dor riding on top of the Racer Turbo (Rondo) while Samech is spraying him. (4/2002)

The 'Beauty' car ahead of us during the Rondo (4/2002)

The 'Beauty' car says hello during the Rondo. (4/2002)

Samech with Sivan Shlush (Rondo), a picture to remember. (4/2002)

The gang relaxing after the Rondo: Dor (left), Shoostak, Chen, Samech, Itamar and Arik. (4/2002)

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In this special section you will be able to find all my personal pictures posted over the years. You will be able to experience my high-school memories and look at my childhood pictures.

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