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The final ceremony is over. Posted 6/7/2002

Two days ago the final school ceremony was held.

It was a very sad event and alot of tears were shed.

Just before the main event (the Shihva main ceremony) begun, my class met for the last time.

The class of Yud-Bet 7 united for the last time.

We were surrounded by our teachers, and Tzipi (our Mehanehet) said a few last words.

Everyone were sad to leave.

We spent 3 years together as a group and shared alot of happy and sad experiences.

We were united during our hardest and happiest moments and we stayed united until the last possible second.

I will always remember the class of Yud-Bet 7.

It was a group of amazing talented people.

It was a 3 year long voyage I will never forget.

Yud-Bet 7 good-bye and good luck!!!!

I will miss you all.


After the class meeting we all went to the main Shihva event where all the classes from our Mahzor (T"Z) united to form an un-ending row.

Our parents greeted us as we 'marched' in front of them.

The school's director Tzipi Kunda and Herzliya's mayor Yael German said few last words and then the ceremony begun.

Alot of dancing, alot of excitment and alot of sadness.

The sadness became stronger and stronger as the ceremony was closing to it's ending.

The ceremony ended and everyone said good-bye to each other.

A few last words to the teachers and away we were heading for a new phase in our life.

It was the final ending of 12 years of school, it was the final ending of 3 years of high school.

It was also a new beginning, a beginning of our adult life.

It's over. School has come to an end.

The class of Yud-Bet 7.

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