ANN 2002


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The Arik Network: ANN

Guy (Fruchtman) speaks for the last time. Posted 6/7/2002

Written by: Guy Fruchtman

Hello, This is Guy Fruchtman, the real, no copies one and only Guy (KING) Fruchtman.

ANN is closing down today and I feel it's appropriate to say a couple of kind words of the WONDERFULL site and his incredibly sexy creator (there I said it are you happy now?????).

Well what can I say about ANN, for the last year and a half ANN has been (for me) a place to go to when I feel sad, when I feel happy or when I feel like beating a man until he bleeds from his ass, ah... good times indeed.

Even though in many occasions Arik dropped A LOT of details in his articles most of them were really good and really funny and I really enjoyed reading them.

(Ok ok he paid me to say that too!!!).

And now on a more of a personal note, Arik I'm sorry I made you wait a month for every single picture you wanted me to scan for you but I cant help it I'm a lazy bustard!

Ah and by the way Arik I forgot to say I'm sorry for you that things didn't work out for you, I know you wanted a good car and a hot girlfriend ah but wait... YOU HAVE THOSE THINGS YOU LUCKY LITTLE SOB!!!!!!!!

Ah and anther thing,



I mean its not like Kiki isn't hot or anything but Angelina is way hotter and you cheated on the vote!!!!

I really enjoyed creating ABO too and laughing about your unbelievable typing mistakes, really I mean look and the first articles on ANN and see the HUGE amounts of typing mistakes, I mean there are A LOT!!!!

Its amazing, how many typing mistakes can one man make in an article???

But thank good for ABO right?

In conclusion I have to say that ANN is really a great site and it really kicks ass I have to say I'm really sad to see it go down (really)

I really enjoyed going online and visiting the site every single day and I'm going to miss it.

Well that's it!

Thanks a lot,

Yours truly: Guy Fruchtman.

Fruchtman speaks on The Arik Network for the last time.

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