ANN 2002


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Copyrights © 2001-2002
Arik Network
All Right Reserved 

The Arik Network: ANN

Note from the Webmaster

Hello there visitors :)

You have reached The Arik Network.

The Arik Network was my personal website and one of my biggest projects between the years 1999-2002.

This section of the website, called ANN, tells the story of my and my friend's lives.

This section covered our lives between the years 2001-2002.

You will be able to find here alot of interesting articles and alot of stories about our lives.

You will be also able to learn more about us, and the reality outside between the years 2001-2002.

Logic tells me that you are visiting this website sometime in the future.

You might have reached this site by mistake, or you might have reached it in purpose.. but it doesn't matter at all! :)

Here you will be able to witness and learn from the past as well as remember and cherish the good old days we had.

I know that I'll visit this site in the future ( it's likely that the one who is reading this now is actually me in the future) :)

I hope that everything went well in the future and that you are visiting this website while the mood outside is as good as it can get.

The only thing that is left to say to you now is: enjoy your stay and remember the good old days :)).

Cherish every moment in time because it will never come back again.

Good luck,

Arik Liderman.


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