ANN 2002


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Arik Network
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The Arik Network: ANN

All I want to say is thank you!. Posted 6/7/2002

I can't end The Arik Network without mentioning the wonderful people, my friends, who helped me along the way.

I would like to thank the following people for their great help: (Alphabetically)

Amir Buksboum:

I would like to thank Amir for his support, his amazing graphics and his amazing articles.

Adi (Samech) Segal.

I would like to thank Samech for: Laggat Ba Ony, Ha Tashdirim and many other small things he helped me to create.

Ben Menahem.

I would like to thank Ben for his amazing support and for his incredible Forum contribution.

Chen Goldberg:

I would like to thank Chen for his amazing work in the Fruchtman game (AGNet).

Doron Ravid:

I would like to thank Doron for visitng my website and for his support.

Eyal (Franky) Frank.

I would like to thank Eyal for his great support and for his amazing article.

Guy Fruchtman:

I would like to thank Guy for his great help: articles, Abo, tips, and non-stop support.

I would also like to thank Guy for his game. His support made it possible.

Itamar Berger:

I would like to thank Itamar for his great support and for visiting.

Lior (Ziva) Ziv:

I would like to thank Ziva for his amazing support, his amazing articles (The DND story) and for his incredible Forum contribution.

Nir Koblenc:

I would like to thank Nir for visiting my site and for his support.

Nadav Basson:

I would like to thank Nadav for visiting my site and for his support (and also for his amazing Hebrew dictionary).

Roy Ofer:

I would like to thank Roy for visiting my site.

Yony Bresler:

I would like to thank Yony for his great support, his amazing articles and his amazing tips.


For those I have forgot to mention their name, and for everyone who visited I would like to say:

Thank you very much!!!!

You are in no way less-important.

Without you this site would have never survived for so long.

Thank you everyone for your amazing support!!!!

The Arik Network says: 'thanks'.

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